Analysis is the method with which Bureau Via provides insight into where improvement opportunities lie. Depending on the check(s) we perform for you, you can simply receive a PDF report per measurement or on all measurements, but you can also stay up-to-date digitally via a special module. We can also supplement the data we collect with data you already have, so that a clear overall picture is created.
Benchmark research
After a number of measurements in your network, we can perform a benchmark study. In this, an analysis of the results is made per dealer or contract partner or a comparison with other dealers or contract partners. This will help you discover which parts of your organization may be underperforming and therefore require additional management.
Statistical research
A well-executed mystery shopper or customer satisfaction survey provides an excellent basis for statistically investigating correlations. For example, perhaps there is a correlation between a poorly executed telephone conversation and the final customer satisfaction? If you know this, you can take targeted action.